Tuesday 15 September 2009

Doing two things at once!!

Rule number one - when blogging do not be typing to friend and dealing with teenager just in from college at same time, as well as helping husband plan work schedule

Thank you Joanna for noticing. What I did mean to say was that we need to be secure in God's love for us so that we can give it way, but to always know that we are growing and changing and moving closer and that we will not be secure, totally, this side of heaven. Oh if we waited till we were secure in ourselves then either we would never do anything, or we'd be so cock-sure about things that we'd be horrendous to others.
It is all about loving, giving out, getting closer to God. Jesus said about being like streams of living water, which means they are always flowing.

I will try to remember my brain is getting older and when it maybe use to be able to do more than one thing at a time now it cant! Esp when each one of the other people needed/wanted my full attention. And with my friend because she is on the West coast of America and has a one year old baby we don't often get time to chat.
Thanks again Joanna

1 comment:

  1. Your welcome. I thought it didn't sound quite in the same vein as the rest of your posts. Thank you for your thoughtful posts too, they are keeping my brain going anyway.
