Wednesday 11 February 2009


Jesus woke me up the other morning and just showed me how much I had to be thankful for and it made me realize just how complacent we are about things and how we see things so negatively and don't praise the wonderfulness of the ordinariness of life.
We'd had some teenage hassles, like you do living with a 17 and 15 year old, who know best and who wont listen to advise. But as I was praying into it I saw how blessed we were because of the fact that we do have God in the centre of our lives. And I realised too how different my life had been when God wasn't really something that went on in our house when I was growing up. All sort of strange spiritual things were let into the house and with them came a sort of chaos. I realized too that even though my husband walked away from God in his teens he still had that Godly influence from his parents.
Then I looked around the kids at church and even the most disruptive of ones aren't as bad as kids who don't have God any where near their lives. I just felt that too much we see the negative side of things - the son not following the prophecies spoken over him, as we think he should; the teenager playing on their mobile phone during the Sunday service, the kid poking his mate in the Sunday school meeting. So few of them swear, so few of them steal, so few of them do the things that their school friends are doing.
I have just read another Jodi Piccoult book and again she is talking about 14 year olds doing the most amazing things to each others bodies and how they are doing things that actually are churched kids don't do because as parents we are praying over them
So my shout it to stop being complacent though that this is normal, to see the greatness in our lives because God is in there, but also to pray and to pray and to pray and to pray some more that He opens things up even more to the fulness He has so that our lives that are changed can change the lives of those around us even more, not just in words, not just in hidden stuff but so that this revival that gets preached so often can really come into being. But I don't think it will come until we see how great those Christians are that are around us.

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