Tuesday 16 March 2010

Meetings Mondays

I do not know what goes on in this town but it seems to be meetings can only happen on a Monday!
Yesterday we had at least 3 we could go to, 2 to do with prayer and one a canoeing one - for Ian not me that one!! And once a month here on Mondays (different Mondays) there is Churches Together, Climate Change, and something else which I forget.
I am already committed, as is the car, to take Tabi to and from drama in the next town. This use to be on Weds but they changed it to Mondays!! And we missed out playing 2 of the witches in the local amateur dramatic society's production on Roald Dahl's Witches because instead of rehearsing on Tues and Thurs they changed to ....... Mondays and Thurs!!
Though actually I say that is all happens on Mondays but maybe that's not quite true, though so much does, it also happens on Tues which again seem to be able to go into the same spin of there being a choice of 2-3 things on the same Tues :)
And my way of dealing with it all so often is just to stay home and read a book!! So much easier than trying to make a decision :)

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