Sunday 24 May 2009

Wild Geese versus Domestic Geese

We heard an amazing story at church today about a domestic goose that had got stuck in a cul-de-sac. Do you know domestic geese have forgotten how to fly?
How often do we get into situations, even with church, where we forget how to fly, or even don't want people to fly as it all gets a bit crazy? I was thinking of our situation and how I/we need to fly but that we have to go where the Holy Spirit is sending us even if that doesn't make sense.
I know when I became a Christian I let the wild goose of the holy spirit have total reign in my life and it has got me into trouble. But I also know that at times I have stepped out of that Wild goose anointing and have become a grumpy goose, who's feet have hurt because I've walked not flown and have got myself stuck and have been grumpy to all.
But the thing is that in reality we all do want domestic geese more than wild geese because domestic geese give us eggs to eat and also get nice and plumb and we can eat them, as well as being able to sell them to make money. They are ours and we own them. It was domestic geese that saved Rome. Wild geese would've flown away. Domestic geese are much more useful and we probably would rather be seen as useful by others than flitting about.
Help me Lord to always be able to fly by the wild goose anointing of Your Holy Spirit, but also let me know who I am to fly in formation with. Wild Geese don't get very far if they try to go it alone, they need other wild geese to fly with.

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