Thursday 22 January 2009

First Paying Customer

Yesterday I had my first paying customer for life coaching. It was a bit scary because she is also a friend and through doing some of the stuff I did with her I found out loads of things that don't normally come out over a cup of coffee. But apparently I was very encouraging - which was a gift I remember asking God for when I first became a Christian (hey isn't that good the way God answers our prayers!!) - and had been a great help I have sent her off with some more tasks to do, which will reveal even more about her that we can then look at!!!
I feel greatly honoured that she trusts me to do this with her. What is that proverb about the wounds of a friend, and there is no way that I want to wound her, but to encourage her and help her to realise her dreams; which again is a great trust on her part to share her dreams with me, and together for us to bring them to fruition.
Though in amongst all this amazing trust, our friend's Jack Russell puppy that we were looking after for the day ate the fur trim from her hat. And I saw another side of her. No she didn't hurl the puppy across the room, but just laughed and said that was what puppies do and looked fondly at the dog. That was just as precious as all the other stuff.
There seem to be many situations where God is trusting me to hear from other people and I was wondering why, but then I read the latest post from "stuff Christians like" and one of the things he says is that we need to be asking the questions and listening to the answers not just asking and not caring. (paraphrased!) And I believe God has given me that gift and I need to stay in that place of trust with Him and with others. This is a gift that would be so easy to manipulate and use but that would be so wrong.
Thank you God with trusting me with other people's secrets and being able to help them along their journey. And thank you for answering my prayers to be able to do this. Please help me when I get frustrated that I can't do more of this.

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