Wednesday 31 December 2008

Travel and Weddings

Life is always odd and when one hands things over to God then things don't quite go as one would like.
There are loads of places in the world I would love to go to, and actually have been blessed with going to. And yet I had one lovely friend last year (07) invite us to her wedding and it was in Oregon, USA. Now it was great to go there and lovely to meet their families and be made to feel so welcome, but really the West coast of America isn't one of those places I would've ever chosen to go. Interestingly the only 2 times I have been to USA have been to the West coast, once for the wedding and once on a conference.
Then on Saturday I had a lovely friend and her lovely new man come to visit with our family and on our walk she ask me if I would be willing and able to come to Australia next December as they are planning to get married then. Again this isn't a part of the world I have ever wanted to visit, even though over the holidays Ian got offered the chance of a job there and nearly went there for work a couple of years ago.
I am totally flattered to have been asked and will very much see if God will let me go, but still do wonder why He wants me there.

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