Wednesday 5 May 2010


Oh started something this morning!!! There is a Facebook link saying about how Avatar the movie is linked to occultic things, thus seeming to imply that the director is into all this, or that the anti-Christ is ruling, or something. Not quite sure what really. But to view the link you have to click the "like" button and then it registers on your Facebook status! Now if that isn't up to something I am not sure what is.

Anyway I put some dismissive comment with it on my FB and have had an interesting response from one friend. Thought it would set him off actually but......

Anyway what struck me is how much do we as Christians go looking for the paranormal, the occult, the dodgy when actually Jesus never commissioned us to do this? We were sent to tell the good news of Him, of how through Jesus we can actually talk with God, how all the wrong things we have done in this world can be forgive by what He did for us and so from that we will not just have a more connected and peaceful time here on this earth but will go to spend eternity with our Father in heaven. And from this we are meant to be discipling people into following this awesome God, becoming more like Jesus whatever that may mean (another subject for another blog day!) and going out to heal the sick, release the captives, etc, etc.

Does putting a link up to tell people that a movie is from the devil really help them?

At the recent prayer school at our nearby congregation one of the things that struck me was how we often tell people the bad news of Jesus, that they have sinned and are going to go to hell if they don't turn to Jesus, rather than the good news about the destiny He has for them in Him, and the whole being in touch with God. I feel that this Avatar link comes in the bad news part rather than the great news about Jesus. And yes I do know both the whole being forgiven for sins is as important as the being connected with God but should we not be proclaiming rather than making people feel bad?

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you. It also gets me annoyed when it is said to be the devil's fault for this or that when quite often it is the fault of the person themselves, the devil doesn't need to do a thing apart from encourage the stupid behaviour. Sometimes it is even God trying to attract their attention. So yeah! I am all for telling the Good news and all for focussing on the person who matters.
