Thursday 27 May 2010

Family Part 2

Thank you to everyone for the lovely comments I've got about this. Shame you can't get them on the blog so we can get a discussion going sometime but never mind!!

I've been chewing this whole family thing over a lot and its not often I visit a topic a 2nd time so quickly. But I keep wondering if instead of just saying the Church is Family we need to start teaching more on what that means. To the 1st Century church this was all so easy because they were use to families living together, having to get over disagreements because their livelihood depended on it with the whole farming things. And with the early Church they couldn't bitch about each other because they were in a persecuted minority.

I have been looking at families. A friend of mine has recently got engaged. Very romantic story about meeting her fiance on Facebook, but then with him being in Canada and her in San Diego they decided she would live with him family in Canada for a bit to see how the relationship developed. A great way of getting to know someone warts and all. I think of another friend in California who married 3 years ago where the two families were so intertwined and so close to each other that even when she was not seeing her now husband (they took about a 4 year split) his parents still supported her in mission, and of course everyone was so delighted when they got back together. And because they were all so close there was room to include us when we went over for the wedding.

Now that's a question how come its the closer families are to each other that there is always room for someone else? Maybe this is the same for church? The closer those in the congregation are to each other, the more secure in all things, the more truly welcoming they are? The more the less of a threat if someone new gets invited to dinner, someone knew speaks "a word", the leaders are safe in who they are and what is going on that there is space for people to make mistakes?

Actually that is something I think is a biggie too for families - the space to make mistakes. My kids are great but they do screw up but I still love them, help them out and give them some love whilst they sort out the next move and because of this they seem to try lots of things without fear. And I know this in other families too where it is safe to make mistakes.

Again though going back to the congregation thing, because that is really where the rubber hits the road, I think in the West we have a luxury of being able to fall out with each other. In the parts of the world where the Church is persecuted for just being they do not have that luxury. But also I see in those parts of the world a deeper understanding about the survival of family.

I do wonder if here in the West we have lost a lot of what connected family is what with the nuclear family, of being able to survive without the help of parents, siblings, aunts and uncles, and that has fallen into our congregational life?


  1. I´ve been thinking a lot about this subject since your last blog. I am currently reading a book by Frank Viola - Reimagining Church. He writes a whole chapter on Reimagining the Family of God. In it he suggests that the problem is that today church is not seen as a family but rather as a business - the pastor/leader is the CEO, then there is the board of directors, (committees/elders) and the rest of us workers who follow our leaders. Any project is really an advertising programme geared to bring about profit (more numbers) And of course the competition between different groups 'selling' the same commodity.

    This makes the church a dysfunctional family that doesn't relate to each other, only to those 'above' us in the command chain. Really family is all about relationship and it seems that this is what is missing. Do we know (or care) about what is going on in each other's lives or is our main objective to see more people in the building?

    It was famously said about the early Christians 'See how they love each other!' We apply the 'love chapter' in Corinthians to couples getting married but maybe we should start to think of it as it was written in relationship one with another in the Body of Christ. I think that when we start to do this, then people will be drawn to God because of what they see in our lives.

    Thanks for your provoking blogs on this.

  2. This is great Mavis. It makes me understand too why I felt so uncomfortable about the thing that one of the congregations here did yesterday. It was a great outreach event and yet was totally unconnected to the prayer event that went on the week before. In fact this congregation were too busy to get involved with the prayer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I came across some of their info for their congregation and they said this event was to "grow the church", and like you say it is a "selling of a commodity" in competition with the other congregations. They wouldn't want other congregations involved as they may have "stolen" people to join their group and that would not be "growing the church".
    I just find it so sad. And I know too why I can't join one of these businesses
    Thanks again.
