Friday 14 August 2009

Spider Webs

Thank you Joanna for your comment, in fact for all your comments, but I wanted to respond to the last one on The Journey.
I so agree that there is not one specific way. In fact years ago when I was in Belfast just as my marriage was splitting up I asked my vicar about paths and directions as I was feeling, at that point, like I had lost all mine, and he said that he felt life was like a spider's web. We all have a place where we should be heading but nothing is in straight lines and there will be many junctions along the way that will take us off in a different direction but ultimately, so long as our hearts are seeking God and His will then we will get to where we need to be and will have some cool adventures along the way.
In fact really, even though I do believe what the Bible says about God having planned in some cool things for us all to do, and that we do have a purpose in His grand plan, that in the end the main thing is that we keep our hearts fixed on Him and hold on to those things that are dearest to Him and not to us - like repentance, forgiveness, loving Him with all we have and loving our neighbours as ourselves.
I will enjoy the journey and that at times spider-web likeness of it all :)

1 comment:

  1. A great analogy of life being like a spider's web.

    Another way of looking at the journey is like a country walk, sometimes you go along stretches that are predetermined with walls either side and then you go over a style (not sure you spell it like that) and you are into an open field with many directions to go. I sometimes think we prefer the safety of the walled in walk than the scariness of open fields.
