Sunday 23 August 2009

Community Building

A very interesting one the other day whilst taking about our town and praying with a friend – she was saying that there is a possibility that a church at the top of the hill on a crossroads in our town, and one in a neighbouring town that is on a roundabout may both stop being places of Christian worship. We both felt very sad about this, very upset, and were not sure why as we are not really into buildings.

I have since taken this away to chew it over and wonder whether as well as community leaders and networkers do we also need a place to gather? I know we could use homes, but again we do need people who are willing to open their homes; we need to be willing to open our homes. But if we are not at that point, or want to invite a diverse group of people, or want somewhere where people can just drop in is it wrong to have a building?

As I write this I reminded of stories from 24/7 network of people drawn to their Boiler rooms and th things that happen there. Yes it is great that The Church is leaving the building to go do mission but I wonder if we do still need places where people can come to


  1. I have often pondered this as well. Would we need buildings if the church (people) was well integrated into the community? Wouldn't people then know where to go? I do though like the idea of sanctuaries - places to go which are peaceful in the busy places.

  2. Perhaps we need both not either or
