Tuesday 2 June 2009

Needing to Know We Deserve It

If we don't think we deserve it then interestingly many people do not ask. And this can come to God and prayer too. If I believe I am able to ask God for anything and that He takes note of me I will ask for anything. If I think I am unworthy and don't deserve anything then I will not ask.
At an interesting family meal because I have reached a point, not a a cocky way but in a way of living out that I am the child of the maker of the universe, I was able to ask for many things from the restaurant staff with a smile, which made things happen.

Ian has been pondering on the verse in Revelation about how our prayers are gathered in a bowl that God then pours out and really has been feeling that so many people don't believe this and so don't pray with passion and expectation. In fact they don't believe they deserve God to hear their prayers and so don't "go for it", don't join with others to pray, and don't get excited about prayer. do
There is also the thing that often when we pray God does not answer in our timing, doesn't do it as quickly as we would like which again can set off the "I don't deserve it and God doesn't care" mentality.

Once we can get our heads round the fact in humility that we are the chosen children of the King of Kings, that because of that we deserve to speak to Our Dad, the Father of the universe, that He will gather those things up for us, and will "make things happen" but in His timing, then I wonder, I just wonder how much bolder we would be in asking?

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