Friday 12 June 2009

Need to Look Within To Stop the Traffik

Thought I would put this comment I have just put on "Amazed and Confused"'s blog in response to the 24/7 prayer podcast to do with the modern pandemic of slavery -

"There are some of us who have been discussing though what is wrong with our nation. Our nation is sick because it wants/needs these prostitutes, these drugs. We need also to let the light of God shine on those who use these young girls for sex, who need to have sex with a stranger. As one friend said as soon as you rescue one of these girls another is put in her place.
Yes we need to be praying and dealing with this slave trade but also we need to be looking inside out own hearts and our own nation to deal with the sickness here.
We need to look at our shopping habits to check what we are buying isn't helping the slave trade.
Why do they need to be organ donors? Is this because we do not allow own relatives organs to be give because we don't see the need?
Again I say yes we need to be involved with Stop the Traffick, with prayer initiatives to stop this, with other organisations who are working to stop this, but also we need to look inside ourselves and inside our nation!"

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