Tuesday 21 April 2009

Stop Talking and Get Going

So far it has been an interesting morning checking blogs - this is not all I have done this morning but you really do not want to know the rest. All very home schooling mum/busy at home wife things!
Anyway I was reading 2 Churchmice and they are talking about how we talk about doing community but don't get around to it as life can get too busy, then Brian in Ibiza is reminding me about the whole thing of not just intimacy but involvement too.
And what came to me is how often do we all sit around and have these amazing meetings about community, amazing meetings about being intimate with God and open and honest with each other, amazing meetings about being involved in things that we believe in, meetings about how we should be disciplining others. Am I the only one who talks but doesn't do? Who reads things but never puts them into practice? Who hears things but doesn't put them into practice?
I do hope I do more than I think I do but I also know how easy it is to pontificate rather than do.

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