Wednesday 22 April 2009

Jesus Washed Their Feet

I'm reading my way through Velvet Elvis. Really designed to make one thing lots.

In Jesus day a disciple would be encouraged to walk to so their close their rabbi that they didn't miss a thing he said or did, but this meant by the end of the day they had his dust on their feet.
What struck me is one of the last things Jesus does for His disciples is to wash the dust of their feet. That would've been His dust from their feet. And it was like symbolically saying that now they were ready to do their own walk, be the leader and have others walking close enough to them to get their dust on their feet.
I wonder, as we talk about discipling how often we encourage people, even want people, to walk close enough to us to see everything we do and say? How often actually we like to do our discipleship groups and then go home because we get tired, want our own space, etc. And also there are things about us we don't want others to see.
I was once a part of a group that walk this route and it was hard work and painful to be both the discipler and the disciplee. We were encourage to disciple and be discipled as we walked the walk. It was also a time when I learned as much about myself as I learned about those around me. It was a chance to examine me as well!
Often I think we, in the modern western church, do more instructing and probably mentoring then we do really discipling as Jesus was talking about.
Again is this a word, a concept, like community that we like to talk about but in the end don't really want to whole heartely enter into and want it to totally take over out lives? Is it like I was saying yesterday, as were the 2churchmice, that we talk a lot about these things but don't live them out?

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts! That book prompted a gazillion questions for me. Happy reading xc
