Tuesday 7 April 2009

God is so great!

Had an interesting talk with a friend last night and am just amazed how God has His own way of doing things!

We had invited him to a Christian healing meeting and when he came we were really disappointed that he got involved with praying for people and catching them as the Spirit took them out. We were really hoping God gave him a big blast!
Well it turns out that God did give him a big blast, has really changed some stuff inside of him, his wife is really happy, and he is hearing lots of amazing things from God.
Just made me think - esp as I do all this motivational giftings stuff how easily we can miss with God wants to do with people and how God wants to do it in His way. This friend is so obviously a servant motivated person, which I missed as he is a high "C" so very organised and precise. But God had to deal with him whilst he was serving or he would never have got touch.

Thank you God for being in charge

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