Saturday 1 November 2008

The Financial Crash - how much of it is our fault?

I wanted to give you our testimony regarding money and the present financial crash.

A while back the company Ian was as working for got sold, which meant that all the shares the employees had bought over the years were up for being sold for an interesting amount. We decided to sell and got enough that paid off our mortgage and released Ian to be able to leave that company and start exploring things that God had been nagging him about for a few years. It gave us a nice little cushion to go exploring.

Well we were greedy and now our money is held in Iceland until that all gets sorted out, but actually Ian has been blessed with enough work that we have been able to live nicely. Thank you God! But there was a bit of a worry that we would have to pay a whack of tax on money that we couldn’t get hold of. Well Sunday afternoon Ian spent the time working out his tax returns and due to the fact that he had bought these shares years ago it looks like we will only have to pay about £5 in tax! Wow isn’t God brilliant.

And this is the whole thing of where God uses those monetary systems in place to also bless us.

It has taught us a lesson about who we do rely on and just how much our great God loves us and also about not being greedy.

Like Stewart said we do need to be part of the banking system if we live in the West but we can bank ethically and here are some places to be able to do that:

Reliance Bank Ltd -

Kingdom Bank -

Triodos Bank UK -

God is just so brilliant though!

But even though God is brilliant we do need to do some repenting, as a nation as well as individuals of our greed and the way we have mistreated the poor across this world, to the point where is it just so "normal" that even as Christians so many of us don't think twice about where our money goes, but just put in in the bank that is either easiest to go to as its near where we live, or because our parents always did, or whatever, but we dont really think about it too much.

Dear Father God please forgive us for our ignorance and for our greed.

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