Monday 17 November 2008

Being Humble

As I trogg through the wonders of life and of dear friends who have known me for years and so value my options and want to hear what I have to say, and yet how draining that is on me - though I do love you guys, Amanda and Sharon who I spent time with this weekend gone. And dear family I love you too even though you took the brunt of my tiredness and frustrations with life. But you are great and so so forgiving. Thank you.

And then how I try to find my space in where God has me know, in what I should do and what I am not meant to be doing, in doing things I've never done before and not having the space to do things that I use to be let lose in, and also having to deal with the physical stuff of being in my late 40's peri-menapausal and have days when I have no energy at all.

And then today Tabee and I have spent the afternoon preparing stuff for the boards for the Prayer room at Bath City church to help focus people on prayer I came across this great blog as I was doing a search on 2 Chronicles 7:14 " if my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land" in which he talks about what it is to be humble. So here is an abridged version.

1. Appreciate your talents
2. Understand your limitations
3. Recognise your faults
4. Stop Comparing
5. Appreciate the talents and qualities of others
6. Dont be afraid to make mistakes
7. Dont be afraid to defer to other people's judgement
8. Rejuviante your sense of wonder
9. Seek guidance
10. Think about yourself under different circumstances - as in would you be able to do what you did if your circumstances had been different
11. Help others
12. Be real and dont pretend to be humble
13. Dont think being sycophantic makes you humble - you cant praise others so you get praise for yourself

Keep in mind that being humble has many benefits. Humility can help you be more content with your life, and it can also help you endure bad times and improve your relationships with others. It's also essential to being an effective learner. If you think you know it all, you won't be open-minded enough to seek out new knowledge. Humility is also, somewhat counter-intuitively, an excellent tool for self-development in general. After all, if you feel superior, you have no incentive to improve. Most of all, being humble allows you to be honest with yourself
Thank you to

And when I do things like this I think that maybe I'm getting somewhere but I still have a long way to go. But at least I've got Jesus by my side and rooting for me to keep me going! Thank you Jesus, and thank you too Ian, Ben and Tabee for not letting me get away with things, but loving me too when I make mistakes.

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