Monday 9 March 2009


Again from the week away and people forced into community was interesting. At least we had a bit of structure but still with different styles and different expectations there were hassles!

But also I watched how some of the young people and in fact some of the adults really made a heart connection. And so I looked to see what that was!
What I have observed is that it is people who have a similar interests, thoughts, desires, dreams, insights into life, these people pull together.
We often talk of church family, but often that means a group that come together on a Sunday morning and look at the backs of each others heads, or who go to an organised home group situation, and yes out of that friendships can grow. But I have also seen when one moves away from that organised meetings structure that those friendships do not stand that test of time and distance.
But when you really connect with someone at a heart level then those friendships endure and when you come together it is like you have never been away. I have discovered with those heart connections that there can be day to day life things I know very little about with these friends but very much I could tell you how they think, feel, would act in a certain situation, and whether I can trust them to pray for me and to watch my back and just be there for me.

What struck me about all this is that in true heart touched community we can be brave enough to change the world, but when we just look at wanting to be in community but don't have those heart connections we want to pull people into our world.

So do we want to change the world or do we want to drag people into our world?

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