Wednesday 18 August 2010


Labeling is a funny thing, esp as we use it more and more to identify people these days. Box people some would say. But we seem to have a concept on what labeling is, whether it is good labeling or bad labeling. If I say I'm prophetic that is seen as good labeling, if I say I'm greedy that can be either depending on what I say I'm greedy for. Why is it ok to be greedy for God and yet wrong to be greedy for power?
Just recently we have been looking into Asperger's Syndrome because my lovely husband displays an awful lot of the characteristics of this way of looking at life. It is totally amazing the traits in it, all very frustrating for those of us who don't see the world that way and who have to work around this lovely person but very much without these people we could all still be stilling about drinking tea in caves and talking about what needed doing.
But it has been interesting how why Ian has tried to explore this with people, esp Christians, he has been told not to take on board that label. It is seen as a bad label, hence then finding it hard to work out how we live as a Christian couple with seeing the world so differently. I do wonder if he said that he was an evangelist, that would be a good label, and if we were struggling as a couple to deal with his way of looking at life of wanting to evangelise everyone he saw then we would get loads of help.
It seems to me that good labels get help but "bad labels" people struggle to accept and to deal with, esp in Christian circles.
I wonder what other differing labels like that come to mind?

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