Monday 14 December 2009

Unity of Purpose

Christmas is coming and the blogging is slowing down. My head is just so full of stuff - food, present, planning. Its all a bit topsy-turvy this year too as Ben is working full time with the RSPCA so has this Thurs off, which we are seeing my mum, next Tues off which we are seeing Ian's parents, then Christmas day off from the RSPCA but has been asked to do 5hrs in the hotel he works part time in, then is off 27th and we are walking with Ian's sister and her partner, then has New Year's eve off of which he will be going out! All very confusing for a family that has often spent time just on its own, almost going to ground! And interesting when unity seems to be so on my heart at the moment.

In fact I keep looking more and more at the whole thing of unity. Ian is quoting things that the Romans said about the Celts, that they were a strong race but so busy fighting amongst each other, not having any unity, that they were very easy to beat.
With home education being under attack by this present government I have seen very diverse people coming together, unity to fight a cause, and being willing to compromise on so many things to win the fight for freedom to educate our children at home the way each parent sees fit.
I have been praying in this prayer network we have felt led to start on line with our town and have been fascinated how people cannot see how important unity is. With Christmas approaching each congregation is doing its own Christmas service on the same day at the same time! What could happen if they united? It just feels like if as Christians we could stop being like the Celtic tribes and fighting for our territory and become more like the home educators and be willing to see the common cause - which again is freedom with life to the full on top - and be willing to unite and fight for it.

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