Tuesday 22 March 2011

Genghis Khan

I should've done this ages ago whilst it was still fresh in my mind, but what with college, friends, family, etc, etc, etc I've not done it. But hopefully all I want to say will come out

We have just read a trilogy about Genghis Khan which I felt was a total story of what God wants His people to be like.

Genghis had been thrown out of his tribe by the new leader when he father died but during his time of intense survival got a vision that if he could unite the mongol tribes this would never happen to anyone else. Firstly he started with those who had no tribe, then started to gather the tribes. He discovered that the Chin people were actively encouraging war between the various mongol tribes as they knew if the tribes were fighting each other then China was safe.

How like church this has been over the ages - when someone is under the protect of the leader they are safe but if the leader dies or changes allegiance even that person is no longer safe. In church we can be quite brutal to those who don't fit in and there are many who "wander the plain alone not part of tribe" and are waiting for a leader. Also the devil is making sure the various denominations are always fighting amongst each other, always finding fault. Christians do more harm to each other than the outside world. Interestingly when I was doing my assignment for Religion and Philosophy even though other religions may go against there doctrine of "thou shalt not kill" Christians are the only ones who don't care about killing each other. - Ok so the Sunni and Shea Muslims do but this is much more clearly one side against the other, whereas Christians are ok about just going in for the kill with anyone who is not the same tribe as they are!

Another things was one of Genghis's brothers is threatened by a group of leaders from another tribe as Genghis is getting them all to live together and the beat him badly. But this brother says he knew if he called on the blood of Genghis, in other words said who his brother was they would not have dared to touch him
I wonder how ofter we forget to remind ourselves and our brothers in Christ that we are all related under His headship, and if we did call on The Blood of Jesus we would be safe for a good beating.

We do have someone who will join all the tribes together if only we would turn to him and stop trying to do it our own way. Jesus is the head and yet the parts of the Body seem quite happy to listen to the enemy, run around on their own, stab each other and not realise the damage they could do to the world if only they would unite.

Another thing was no one got left behind. When the warriors moved the families moved too. This worked in a way that meant the men would not go wandering to other women, but also that the children could see what warrior life really was. I think often when adults in the church do things they so often put on a separate even for the children, or behave in away that is different, rather than having the children watching, listening and learning of the battle they have to be in to be a Christian. The children then know the hardships as well as the glorious victories. I often wonder if our young people leave church because the going gets touch in the lives, especially as teenagers, they struggle with their walk with God, and yet all they have seen from the adults around them, sometimes even including their parents is this joyfulness because so many churches believe that we have to be happy clappy all the time.

Hope people are still out there watching and waiting for my blog. I'll facebook it and see if that helps. XX


  1. Interesting comments. Glad you put it on FB or I might have missed it. Nice to know you're still blogging.

  2. I have it on my RSS feed so I don't miss it. I like your comments and certainly something to get the old thought cells thinking. I also think it is rather like Latvia at the moment where people can't quite work together and if they would only unite they would be able to get something going. God has a plan for this nation, even though ti is a small nation so something has to work sometime.
