Friday 30 October 2009

Blogging and relationships

I have been meaning to write something ever since I got back from retreat over a week ago but relationships keep getting in the way.
Today its Tabi who's up early to chat, yesterday was bumping into a friend and using up the 20 mins I had spare to chat, the day before was talking on MSN to a friend in distress, and leading to that has been helping to sort out the living room as I'd got Ian a bigger desk from Freecycle and I've had to be moving everything else in the whole house, or so it seems, around to get the new desk in just right place and everything else to find homes. Again serving and relationship with my husband.
Oh yes I do have some "deep" things I'd like to put on here but I do think relationship are much more important :)


  1. Quite agree with you there. Relationships are so much more important

  2. You're so right. Kingdom stuff is about relationships.

  3. In full agreement with you there... deep stuff is often worked out even in the simplest relationships, and we can never replace a huug with words.

  4. And so often though we need to be reminded of this in our busy world
