Wednesday 29 October 2008

Opening Doors

The verse today is "Not by might nor power but by My Spirit says the Lord". And again I am noticing what is happening. He is up to stuff and I have to go alone with it. But I think I may have noticed a key here!
Ever since I have decided not to blog anything that is detrimental to anyone and to make sure my thoughts as I write are purer, to clean up the "airwaves", it has made me have to think more "purely" about things, about people, about life.

Again there has been another door opened. I got to share some motivational gifts/personality stuff with a group of guys from Genesis Trust who come together to learn about getting back to work. Man, it was challenging and I had to be really on my toes. One of the guys was very anti God and the fact that most of the stuff I use has come from a Christian perspective it was a challenge. And the fact that he was as far the opposite motivation as I was as was possible we did great.
I could just feel through the whole thing God tugging on my heart and just leading my tongue. And I want more of that. I did slip up at one point where I shared some stuff about my childhood, and realised I had lost the plot but God in His graciousness gave me the courage to come back to it, to explain how I had moved on, had forgiven and how we all need to grow up and not blame our parents for stuff. So hopefully I did retrieve this for God, though I think it was Him who did the stuff.

Again too I am finding in conversation that I can just talk about God more, talk about Jesus more, and that it is become a more natural thing. But again this is a heart thing. And as I sort my heart He can open more doors for me!

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